Comment 1
I was assigned to William Chamberlain. Here is a link to his blog: William Chamberlain's blog. The first blog post I read was "Are EdCamps Too Technocentric"? I found this post very interesting because I have never heard of anything like EdCamps. EdCamps is when teachers get together in a non-formal setting. Any topic of their concern can be brought up. William Chamberlain discusses his concern of technology being the main topic of discussion. There are so many other problems in the classroom. However teachers have been concentrating on incorporating technology into the classroom.
I agree wholeheartedly with William chamberlain's opinion. I can see his concern as a teacher. Technology is a great addition to learning. However, with an opportunity such as EdCamp, more important issues should also be addressed.
This is what my comment stated: Hi, My name is Michelle Nix. I am an elementary major at the University of South Alabama. I am currently taking EDM 310. I found this post to be very interesting considering that EDM 310 is completely about technology. I agree that an opportunity like edcamp should be used to cover the major issues that go along with teaching. I was surprised when I read that Edcamps take place in an unconference format. This is something I have never heard of and hope to attend in the future. Is this something that occurs nationally? Can any teachers attend? I will be summarizing my visits to your blog with a post to mine on Feb.12,2012. Here is a link to my blog:
http://nixmichelleedm310.blogs.... You can also view my class blog at:
Comment 2
The second post I read was "The New, Cool Tech Activity Doesn't Fit My Curriculum!". William Chamberlain discusses how although he has all the tools available to incorporate online tech tools into his classroom, he does not. He explains that many of the tools he has available do not always help his students to understand the topic at hand. His priority is not technology but teaching.
As a future teacher, I hope that I am able to accomplish all that Mr.Chamberlain has. I want to be a successful teacher, not a technology teacher. He is still technologically literate by keeping up with his blog. It is not his priority over teaching which is important to remember!
This is what I commented back:After reading this post and your blog post about EdCamp it has become very evident that your main priority is what the students are learning. You are what is considered a successful teacher. You do not just teach, you make sure students learn and understand. It seems like keeping up with technology is the priority of many other teachers. Am I correct to assume this is your opinion?
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