Sunday, April 8, 2012

Blog Assignment 10


Do you Teach or Do you Educate?

This video describes the kind of teacher that I want to be. It is a great way to help upcoming teachers understand the difference between teaching and educating. A great teacher is someone that knows how to educate, inspire, love, and encourage. We all want to be that teacher. The teacher that a child will remember for the rest of their life.

I recently had the privilege of observing at an elementary school. I was very inspired by the kindergarten teacher. She genuinely loved her job! She did not just teach her students. She was an inspiration. Each child looked up to her and knew that she loved them. She is concerned about each of her student's futures. Not just what they learn that year. I am even more excited about becoming a teacher now!


Don't Let Them Take Pencils Home

"Don't Let Them Take Pencils Home" is a blog post that gives a good message. It is about a teacher who wants to allow his students to take pencils home. The school curriculum instructional interventionist academic specialist did not want to allow it. She believed that students who took pencils home had lower test scores. She thought they would just be a distraction and children would want to play games such as hang man.

The teacher stood strong about his beliefs. Even if some students became distracted, it is still a great opportunity for those who want to learn. Some games such as hangman can be very educational without realizing it. Teachers should stand by their beliefs and try new ways of learning.


  1. Michelle,

    Great post! I agree with everything that you said in this post. I would have to say though, watch your short sentences. It seems a bit choppy, but other then that everything was great!

    Kaitlin Boatman

  2. Hi Michelle.
    Nice post. I also hope to obtain the characteristics of an educator. As a matter of fact, now that I have watched that video, I prefer to be called an educator. Not only should we inspire the children but we should be a mentor who guides them in the right direction. An educator does more in a classroom than explaining materials and giving information. I believe all "teachers" should try to become more like "educators", in the sense that the students should be in the center of the classroom.
    If you really sit down and ponder on the words of the video; you will find deeper meaning to it.
    I think that Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home, sent a stronger message. It was not the issue of actually taking them home. More so it was focusing on a solution and teachers should be more concerned about what the children are actually learning. I like the point about Hangman that you made. It can be educational. I enjoyed your post, but I just want to suggest reading the assigned materials again and pay attention to the underlying messages sent.
    Ashley Phillips

  3. Hey Michelle,

    Remember that your title modifiers on your pictures should be a specific URL source. "Google Images" isn't a source.

    You also didn't understand the metaphor of Tom Johnson's post. He wasn't talking about pencils, he was talking about technology (i,e, computers). Take a second look at the post and then you will see that it is a metaphor.

    Stephen Akins
