Sunday, April 15, 2012

Blog Assignment #11

learning is fun

Little Kids...Big Potential

This video was created by Kathy Cassidy. It is a video of her classroom and how her students learn. It is awesome the way she is teaching her kids. They will be very technologically literate students. These children are already blogging and have a good understanding of the correct way to comment. The children are learning and having fun at the same time!

Skype is also a great tool used in their classroom. Mrs. Cassidy's class will skype with other classrooms to make learning more fun. They also have the opportunity to skype with experts in certain field areas. In this video they are skyping with a geologist named Dr.Gregg. Something I found very interesting was their use of the Nintendo DS. I did not realize the Nintendo D.S. could be used as a learning tool! This is something that I would love to incorporate into the classroom! There will always be a slight problem with keeping kids on educational games and not diverting their attention to other non-educational games. However there are ways to monitor the classroom and keep their goals classroom oriented! I think it is always better to have fun while learning! I believe students would agree!


  1. Hello Michelle, I too had no clue how beneficial it could be to incorporate a Nintendo DS in the class curriculum. The students did seem to enjoy it a lot and it is always good to have the students complete focus on a lesson being taught. I am all in for a game system such as this one that can be of entertainment to students while helping them learn at the same time! I think your post was written well, with only a few word choice mistakes. Keep up the good work!

  2. Michelle,

    I am so pleased that you are willing to incorporate technology into the classroom. It will be a rewarding experience for your students.


    Rebekah Lloyd
