Sunday, April 29, 2012

Blog Assignment #13

Cell Phones

For our blog assignment this week, we were asked to try 24 hours without the use of electronics. Yes, this includes cell phones! Surprisingly, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be! I went to the beach which made this assignment very easy! That automatically eliminates the use of computers. As far as television, I don't watch it often either way. Cell phones should have been the only challenge. However, this was the first time it helped me out that my charger doesn't like to work. I believe within the 24 hours I did send around two texts just to let family know how I was while being away.

On any other given day this assignment would not have been as easy. Especially on a day full of school work. Those days I will find any excuse to get on Facebook or call a friend. People do not realize how much electronics are used until they are given a challenge such as this.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you didn't make it. two text messages stood in the way! You will soon have students even more committed to (or should I say addicted to) technology. Are you prepared to be their teacher? Can you teach without technology? How and what will you technology in your classroom? How will you use your student's technology for educational purposes?
